Mago National Park is located at about 782 kilometers south of Addis Ababa. The 2162 square kilometers of this park is divided by the Mago River, a tributary of the Omo River, into two parts. The park office is 115 kilometers north of Omorate and 26 kilometers southwest of Jinka.
The Mago National Park was established in 1979, making it the newest & undeveloped among national parks. Its territory embraces savanna, acacia forest, and the Neri Swamp. Its highest point is Mount Mago. The broad grasslands teem with herds of buffalo, giraffe, elephants and kudu, while sometimes it is possible to find/ hear roaring lions, leopards and Burchell's zebra. The abundant bird life here is typical of dry grasslands and river banks. The park's best known attrNationwide is the Mursi people, who inhabit villages along the Omo River, known for piercing their lips and inserting disks made of clay.